Aromatherapy Tips
What are natural essential oils?
Natural essential oils are purely natural products derived from different parts of plants from all over the world, such as seeds, flowers, leaves, fruits, roots, stems and resins. It is extremely active and volatile, with a natural aroma, can be dissolved in oil, alcohol, more than other artificial skin care products for the skin to absorb, and its elements are fine, active ingredients, can penetrate deep into the skin layer, and through the blood transport oxygen, nutrients, water and other nourishing cells.
Since ancient times, there are records of aromatherapy, mostly using natural plant oils to increase the body's immunity, balance the mind and emotions, and restore the spirit. The principle of treatment is very similar to that of Chinese herbal medicine.
When to use aromatherapy?
Make aromatherapy a part of your life, use it to care for your skin, relieve nervous tension and stress, cure insomnia, calm overactive children, help you concentrate at home or at work, calm or lift your mood, etc. In short, choosing natural essential oils can make your life more colorful.
Sources of Essential Oils
- Roots (aromatic roots, ginger, etc.)
- Stems and stems (sandalwood, cedarwood, etc.)
- Resin (myrrh, frankincense, etc.)
- Leaves (Eucalyptus, etc.)
- Flowers (rose, jasmine, etc.)
- Peel (orange, tangerine, etc.)
- Seeds (fennel, etc.)
Common Extraction Methods for Plant Essential Oils
- Distillation (most essential oils)
- Liposuction Enfleurage (flowers, etc.)
- Dissolution (flowers, etc.)
- Expression (peel)
- Cold press (medium oil)
- Carbon dioxide extraction method CO2 extraction
How to store essential oils and what to look for
* Some essential oils should not be used by pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, asthma or epilepsy.
* Citrus oils should not be used before sunbathing as they may cause freckles and dark spots.
* Some oils are highly toxic and should not be used by beginners or with caution, such as fennel and sage.
* Do not use on the eyes and the area around the eyes.
* Essential oils are highly concentrated and should not be taken internally.
* Do not keep essential oils out of the reach of children.
* Do not use more than the specified amount of essential oil as it may cause discomfort.
* After each use, the cap of the oil must be tightly sealed and stored in a cool place, not too high or too low temperature.
* Before using the oil on the skin, test it on the back of your hand with a diluted oil.
Do not use this oil if you are allergic.
* If you need to remove essential oils from the skin, use kerosene or an oil-based primer.
Suggested Blending Ratios for Essential Oils
Essential oils are extremely concentrated and therapeutic and must be diluted to be safe for use on the skin, otherwise they may cause harm to the body. (1ml of essential oil equals about 20 drops)
Dilution method of essential oil :
General mixing (2.5% Dilution)
Amount of medium oil ml ÷ 2 = number of drops of essential oil
(Example: 50 drops of essential oil can be added to 100ml of medium oil)
Low Volume (1% Dilution)
Volume of oil ÷ 4 = drops of essential oil
(Example: 20 drops of essential oil for 100 ml of medium)
Special blend (0.5% Dilution)
Volume of medium oil ml ÷ 10 = Number of drops of essence
(Example: 10 drops of essential oil for 100 ml of carrier oil)
General use of essential oils
1. Vaporize:
By placing a few drops of essential oil in an aromatherapy burner filled with water, burning a smokeless candle under the burner or using a plug-in electric stove, the heat causes the essential oil's fine components and fragrance to spread throughout the room, refreshing the environment and improving air quality, reducing airborne bacteria, and improving mental well-being, clarity of thought, and health. The amount of essential oils used depends on the size of the space.
2. Massage:
Massage is very important in cosmetology, it can promote blood circulation, so that the cells can quickly replenish oxygen and nutrients; muscle to get the right exercise, so that the skin more elastic; promote lymphatic fluid transfer, eliminating excess water, toxins and fat; more can make the subcutaneous nerves to get relief, relax the muscles, restore the spirit and reduce wrinkles.
Add an appropriate amount of essential oil to kerosene to make an aromatherapy massage oil, and choose the right essential oil and kerosene for your body according to your needs.
3. Shower:
a. Bath - Add two to three caps of water soluble essential oils to a bath filled with warm water and stir until well blended. Soak for about ten to fifteen minutes, the oil penetrates from the surface of the skin into the deeper tissues to achieve the therapeutic effect. You can also choose to take a hand bath or foot bath according to your personal needs.
b. Shower bath - add a capful of water soluble oil to the shower gel and place on a sponge.
4. Cold/heat compress:
Add a few drops of water soluble essential oil to ice water (cold compress) or hot water (hot compress), stir well and put a towel into it, gently twist off the excess water and put the towel on your face, hot compress to relieve pain and cold compress to relieve headache and sprain.
5. Direct inhalation:
Add three to six drops of essential oil to about 100 ml of hot water, cover your head and the container with a large towel, and breathe in the microscopic particles of essential oil emitted from the steam for about ten minutes.
6. Use directly:
Natural essential oils are extremely concentrated, about seventy times more concentrated than ordinary herbs, so they are not suitable for undiluted use on the skin, but lavender and tea tree can be used directly to treat minor cuts, burns, bacteria, acne and insect repellent.
In addition, it can be added to various daily body care products, such as shampoo, cleanser, cream, body wash, etc. for daily care.
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